Studies show that cold therapy decreases pain, ,muscle spasm, and swelling in soft tissue injuries and decreases the likelihood of tissue damage. Compression pushes excess fluid away from the injury, which helps to eliminate existing swelling and minimize new swelling. When Combined, these two therapies produce a new level of healing.
Recovery + delivers a unique combination of compression and cooling, as well as comfortable, form-fitting anatomic wraps, and adjustable pressure and temperature settings, all in a state-of-the-art system. Simpily put, there is nothing else like it.
43° to 50° temperature exposure to temperatures within this range help promote physical health, stimulates the immune system, increased sleep, and more.
Decreases the risk of deep venous thrombosis (DVT), along with blood clots and spider veins in the legs.
Reduction of edema associated with soft tissue injuries such as burns, postoperative edema, and ligament sprains.
DVT Therapy offers greater range of compression, allowing physicians more flexibility in prescribing treatments.
Treatment of pain and swelling of acute periarticular processes, treatment of pain and swelling following mobilization of shoulder stiffness under anesthesia, treatment of pain and swelling postoperatively for bones, joints and soft tissue, treatment of pain and swelling caused by musculoskeletal contusions and athletic injury.
Cold therapy has been used for centuries to help with pain relief. It can reduce inflammation and swelling, aid in slowing the rate of tissue damage around joints or tendons by acting like anesthetic on sore muscles; it also slows down how fast you feel pain when experiencing injury because they block out signals sent from our skin into(the brain).
Report it helped reduce the amount of pain medication used or helped to discontinue meds sooner.
Report it provided a better post-op recovery than a previous surgery using a different cold therapy.
Report it helped them return to work or daily activities sooner compared to other post surgery cold therapy.
Nagem Orthopedics and Recovery, LLC
© 2021 Nagem Orthopedics & Recovery