Post Surgery Therapy Wraps

Injuries heal better with cold compression therapy

What is Cold Therapy with Compression?

You can get relief from your pain and inflammation with an injury by using a compression wrap. The wraps are applied to the injured area, which slows down fluid flow into tissues that lead to swelling, bruising or more severe injuries such as strains or sprains! This helps reduce natural chemicals that cause you discomfort while healing too – another reason why it’s so comforting for people in recovery.

The method of therapy is called “compression wrapping,” where specifically fitted wraps are used on the injured areas (arms/legs) at high levels of pressure- this greatly reduces fluids released when stretched during movement and gives patients comfort while they recover; reducing their risk for serious strain related problems due to immobilization like blood clots deep within tissue layers

Segmental Thermal Compression Wraps

When Healing Matters Most Professional Choose

Heal Faster & Reduce Pain with Segmental Compression

Providing Targeted Pain Relief

Available Wraps

Nagem Orthopedics & Recovery provides wraps that target all areas of pain. Often used for post operation recovery. Wraps are designed to force blood away from surgical sites to reduce swelling, and to alternate compression amounts, promoting healing.

Elbow • Back • Shoulder • Hip • Knee • Ankle

Complete Body Relief

Nagem Orthopedics & Recovery provides products to help patients recover from surgery in the comfort of their home. We want you to be as comfortable at all times, so we work hard with doctors and nurses to provide products that can make your recovery a little more comfortable. 
